The Institutional Animal Care and use Committee

All GCU faculty, staff, and students using live vertebrate animals, whether for research or teaching, must submit an Animal Use Protocol to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). They must obtain approval from the IACUC before beginning the research or teaching.

The IACUC oversees GCU’s animal care and use program and is responsible for reviewing and approving all activities utilizing vertebrate animals for research, teaching and testing, ensuring compliance with federal animal welfare regulations, inspecting animal facilities and investigator laboratories, investigating animal concerns, and overseeing training and educational programs.

Submitting a Protocol for Review
While not all activities involving animals may require IACUC approval, all activities that involve the use of animals must be reviewed by the IACUC. In addition, it is expected that all ethical standards will be followed even in activities that are exempt from IACUC oversight.

Submit the completed and signed Animal Use Protocol electronically to [email protected]. The Protocol will be reviewed for completeness. The individual listed as the Principal Investigator on the Protocol will be the main point of contact for the study.

Contact [email protected] for additional information or questions regarding your protocol.

Research and teaching that involve animals must adhere to the Federal animal welfare regulations (Animal Welfare Act/Animal Welfare Regulations). It is the responsibility of the researchers and educators to familiarize themselves with these regulations and ensure that all studies conducted at GCU abide by these policies. In addition, all research protocols submitted to the IACUC will require online training for all member of the research team.

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Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Policy July2020.pdf: /files/policies/iacuc/care_and_use_of_laboratory_animals_policy_july2020pdf


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IACUC Policy

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Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements

Types of Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/types_of_sponsored_agreements__

Other Research Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/other_research_agreements

Gifts, Grants, and Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/gift_grant_and_sponsored_agreements

Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/_distinguishing_between_a_gift_grant_and_contract

Planning: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_

Proposal Development and Submission: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission

Negotiation and Setup: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/negotiation_and_setup_

Award Management: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/award_management

The Institutional Animal Care and use Committee: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/the_institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee

Institutional Review Board: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/institutional_review_board

Conflict of Interest: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/policies/conflict_of_interest

Responsible Conduct of Research: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/responsible_conduct_of_research~2


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The Office of Research and Grants

[email protected]

Viewed 3,067 times