Proposal Development and Submission

The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for proposal preparation. They may (and often should) request the assistance of others, including ORI and OCG. While the PI is ultimately responsible for the research, planning, writing, and editing of the document; for assembling all supporting documents, including the budget; and for submitting these documents to OCG in time for proper review and submission, it is strongly recommended that you involve OCG early in the application process so that we can provide any assistance needed. This is particularly important if there are subrecipients, collaborators, or other external parties involved.

It is important for the PI to understand the submission process for the proposal, even though OCG will do the submitting. Most federal agencies use, but several agencies, like the NIH, also have their own submission portals. Foundations may use Proposal Central, or their own electric systems.

OCG must have sufficient time to carefully review your proposal prior to submission.

Prior to submission of the proposal by OCG, the PI is required to certifying that the proposal is accurate and free from falsification, fabrication, or plagiarism; the PI accepts responsibility for the conduct and reporting of the project; assures participants are not debarred; agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the external funding agency; and makes other assurances related to GCU policies and procedures.

---------- Grouped Links ---------

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Project: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/project

Description and Research: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/description_and_research

Plan and Program Narrative: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/plan_and_program_narrative_

Biosketches: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/biosketches

Justification: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/justification

Preparing a Budget: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/preparing_a_budget

Facilities and Resources: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/facilities_and_resources

Compliance: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance


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Proposal Development and Submission

---------- Grouped Links ---------

numOfValidGroupedLinks: 13

Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements

Types of Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/types_of_sponsored_agreements__

Other Research Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/other_research_agreements

Gifts, Grants, and Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/gift_grant_and_sponsored_agreements

Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/_distinguishing_between_a_gift_grant_and_contract

Planning: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_

Proposal Development and Submission: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission

Negotiation and Setup: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/negotiation_and_setup_

Award Management: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/award_management

The Institutional Animal Care and use Committee: /home/compliance/the_institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee

Institutional Review Board: /home/compliance/institutional_review_board

Conflict of Interest: /home/compliance/policies/conflict_of_interest

Responsible Conduct of Research: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/responsible_conduct_of_research~2


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The Office of Research and Grants

[email protected]

Viewed 2,274 times