Responsible Conduct of Research

Responsible Conduct of Research is a training/program required by The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to meet certain federal training requirements. The RCR helps to foster a research environment filled with integrity, excellence, and promotes public trust in scientific research.

Responsible Conduct of Research should aim to:

  • generate knowledge and sensitivity towards issues involving responsible conduct of research
  • enhance decision-making in both an ethical and legal aspect in the face of conflicts involving scientific research
  • promote active learning in regulations, policies, statutes, and guidelines that govern the conduct of externally funded research

Certain categories of research that are required to complete a Responsible Conduct of Research program will do so under a CITI training program. Upon completion research members will be given an RCR certificate that fulfills the necessary requirements needed for the NIH, NSF, and USDA.

NIH: Research Integrity - Resources, policies, and more 

NSF: Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research

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Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements

Types of Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/types_of_sponsored_agreements__

Other Research Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/other_research_agreements

Gifts, Grants, and Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/gift_grant_and_sponsored_agreements

Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/_distinguishing_between_a_gift_grant_and_contract

Planning: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_

Proposal Development and Submission: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission

Negotiation and Setup: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/negotiation_and_setup_

Award Management: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/award_management

The Institutional Animal Care and use Committee: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/the_institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee

Institutional Review Board: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/institutional_review_board

Conflict of Interest: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/conflict_of_interest

Responsible Conduct of Research: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/responsible_conduct_of_research~2


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The Office of Research and Grants

[email protected]

Viewed 1,729 times