Timeline and Checklist
A proposal is a detailed request for funding, prepared in accordance with the sponsor’s guidelines. A sponsor can be a federal, state, or local agency, a corporation, a private foundation, or other business entity.
There are many things to consider when deciding to submit a request for research funding. These include:
- whether the sponsor’s terms and conditions can be accepted by GCU.
- your research vision, plan, and preliminary data.
- your areas of expertise areas and those of your team.
- the results of literature reviews done to identify gaps in knowledge and other experts in the field.
- resources you have or will need for the project.
- collaborations you have or will want to form.
- who will benefit from the solutions you are seeking.
- whether there is similar work being done elsewhere (a competitor or potential collaborator).
Before you start the proposal development process, consider the following questions:
- Is a preliminary proposal of Letter of Intent required? If yes, discuss with your dean or assistant dean.
- Are there multiple investigators and/or multiple GCU schools involved in your proposal?
- Will the scope of the project require collaborations with other organizations?
- Will your project require the purchase of equipment? If so, you may want to secure quotes for equipment purchases at the proposal stage to budget accordingly.
- Are human or animal subjects involved?
- Are undergraduate or graduate students involved?
- Are your current facilities and space appropriate and sufficient to conduct your project? If not, discuss your needs with your dean or assistant dean early in the process.
- Does the sponsor allow recovery of facilities and administrative (F&A) costs (also referred to as overhead or indirect costs)?
- Does the sponsor require any cost sharing of direct costs?
- Are there any potential conflicts of interest? If yes, please contact the Office for Research and Innovation.
- Does the sponsor require a Data Management Plan (DMP)?
- Will your project have an international component?
- Have you reviewed the budget preparation checklist?
- Did the sponsor reach out to you directly regarding the funding opportunity? If so, please contact the Office for Contracts and Grants to discuss further.
- Have you sought feedback from your team, collaborators, and department before you begin the proposal?
- Have you identified a peer who can review your proposal before you consider it to be final?
- Have you verified all necessary compliance and regulatory requirements?
- Have you prepared letters for institutional commitment in advance?
6-12 months |
3-5 months |
2-3 months |
1-2 months |
21 days |
14 days |
---------- Grouped Links ---------
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Find Funding: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/find_funding
Project Identification: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/project_identification
Timeline and Checklist: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/timeline_and_checklist_
Proposal Writing Resources: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/proposal_writing_resources~2
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- Find Funding TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/project_identification1
- Project Identification TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/timeline_and_checklist_1
- Timeline and Checklist TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/proposal_writing_resources~21
- Proposal Writing Resources
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Find Funding: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/find_funding
Project Identification: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/project_identification
Timeline and Checklist: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/timeline_and_checklist_
Proposal Writing Resources: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_/proposal_writing_resources~2
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---------- Grouped Links ---------
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Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements
Types of Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/types_of_sponsored_agreements__
Other Research Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/other_research_agreements
Gifts, Grants, and Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/gift_grant_and_sponsored_agreements
Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/_distinguishing_between_a_gift_grant_and_contract
Planning: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_
Proposal Development and Submission: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission
Negotiation and Setup: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/negotiation_and_setup_
Award Management: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/award_management
The Institutional Animal Care and use Committee: /home/compliance/the_institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee
Institutional Review Board: /home/compliance/institutional_review_board
Conflict of Interest: /home/compliance/policies/conflict_of_interest
Responsible Conduct of Research: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/responsible_conduct_of_research~2
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- Types of Sponsored Agreements TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/get_started/other_research_agreements1
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- Gifts, Grants, and Sponsored Agreements TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/_distinguishing_between_a_gift_grant_and_contract1
- Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract
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Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements
Types of Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/types_of_sponsored_agreements__
Other Research Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/other_research_agreements
Gifts, Grants, and Sponsored Agreements: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/gift_grant_and_sponsored_agreements
Distinguishing between a Gift, Grant and Contract: /home/ocg/get_started/sponsored_agreements/_distinguishing_between_a_gift_grant_and_contract
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- Proposal Development and Submission TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/negotiation_and_setup_1
- Negotiation and Setup TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/award_management1
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idx: Igloo.Old.App.Velocity.ViewModels.LinkViewModel
Planning: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/planning_
Proposal Development and Submission: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission
Negotiation and Setup: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/negotiation_and_setup_
Award Management: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/award_management
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- Institutional Review Board TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/compliance/policies/conflict_of_interest1
- Conflict of Interest TrueFalse(True || !True && False)/home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/responsible_conduct_of_research~21
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The Institutional Animal Care and use Committee: /home/compliance/the_institutional_animal_care_and_use_committee
Institutional Review Board: /home/compliance/institutional_review_board
Conflict of Interest: /home/compliance/policies/conflict_of_interest
Responsible Conduct of Research: /home/ocg/grant_life_cycle/proposal_development_and_submission/compliance/responsible_conduct_of_research~2
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The Office of Research and Grants